Section: Dissemination


  • Christine Azevedo presented FREEWHEELS project at Sport Unlimitech event in Lyon https://sportunlimitech.com/ (September 2019)

  • CAMIN team was present (demonstration and masterclass lecture) at FUTURES festival in Paris https://futures.paris/ (June 13th 2019)

  • CAMIN team was present (demonstration and lecture) during the visit of the Secretary of State for Persons with Disabilities at Inria Paris Center (November 19th 2019)


  • Christine Azevedo was mentor (2018-2019) for one Savanturiers project with Saussan school (CM1/CM2 level) https://savanturiersdelahightech.wordpress.com/category/projets-2018-2019/ecole-elementaire-joseph-delteil/

  • Christine Azevedo is mentor (2019-2020) for one Savanturiers project with Montbazin school (CE1/CE2 level) https://savanturiers-projects.cri-paris.org/projects/NhbsL7Uz/blogentries

  • Christine Azevedo organized initiation sessions to informatics using Thymio robot at École Valfalis (Montbazin, France) in CP, CE1, CE2, CM1 and CM2 levels, 5 sessions of 1 hours per level (March-June 2019).

  • Christine Azevedo participated to a 1-day of training future trainers in robotics at school (DANE) (March 2019).


  • CAMIN team welcomed 1 week internships of 3 schoolchildren this year (4e, 3e)